Friday, July 16, 2010

Yard Sale

The dining room table is covered in boxes full of treasures to put outside tomorrow morning. The newspaper ad has been placed, the change for the cash box is in hand, and the signs have been strategically placed around the neighborhood. Now...all that is left is for the masses to come in droves and pay me to cart off my stuff :). I do hope that is the case...the droves and masses and all.

I have lined up a local charity to cart away anything that doesn't sell. NOTHING is coming back in the house! No, No, No!! The clutter WILL be banished!

There is a 60% chance of thunder showers tomorrow. I hope the weather man is wrong. We have tents just in case, but it will be a miserable day if it rains the whole time, not to mention...the masses and droves may be more like one or two people an hour instead.

I ordered the cutest yard sale signs from I hope they will bring those thousands and thousands of customers our way. I couldn't decide if they were too girly, but in the end I decided that if I saw that sign, I would go to that yard sale in a heartbeat...and i might even spend more money just because I got so excited about maybe it will work on other people the same way. Or at least that is what I'm telling myself.

I've been blaring crazy loud music all over the house this week while I've been fevorishly sticking price tags on everything I can get my hands on. I've been quite ruthless, and I think tomorrow may prove to be very difficult in some ways letting go of some of the things I have wrenched from the corners of my home. Hopefully, when the cash is counted - and the house is less cluttered, it will all be worth it in the end!

Tuesday, July 6, 2010


Well, we've taken the plunge. Bryan and I are now officially homeowners. The process in its entirety has been an absolute nightmare; however, now that it is over, we are so excited!

Bryan - on the same day we closed - came home and pulled out the holly bushes in the back that he has been longing to pull out for the past four years. The look of glee on his face when it was done was really amazing. There are now three gaping holes in the back yard where they were. No more pricked fingers or toes. Hooray!

We've been dreaming for months of what we could do to the house, but now it's a matter of what we will be doing. Sketches of moved walls are littered around the house, and we've even taped out lines on the carpet of where things will be when we are done renovating. I'm positively drooling over the possibility of increased storage in the house. Every chance I get, I'm asking Bryan for a closet or shelves or something (2 small closets in the ENTIRE house somehow just aren't cutting it).

As we are emptying out all of the furniture, which will go back to Bristol, I've been pricing everything for our giant yard sale. I'm being quite ruthless if I do say so myself. I've already decided that if it goes outside, it isn't coming back in...this house is going to be clutter free!! Four boxes are priced and packed already, and I've not really gone through a lot. Oh excitement!