Monday, May 23, 2011


So everyone knows I'm a little frugal. I'm known for my couponing skills and my thrift store skills. So, this year, I'm translating that into gardening. I want a relatively hassle free yard. I don't want to have to plant annuals every single year. I want perennials that come up without me having to do much to them. The problem is this: perennials are not very cheap. They can be really expensive, actually. Quart sized perennials at Lowe's can run upwards of $10...entirely too expensive for this cheap girl!

This year, however, I noticed that Lowe's in particular puts its perennials on MAJOR markdown once they start to bloom - because they are harder to sell if they don't have a million beautiful flowers on them. These plants, though, do have plenty of flowers left, and some haven't even really hit their prime yet. I have, to date, purchased somewhere in the neighborhood of 30 perennials in 1 quart containers for one dollar each. The varieties include things like Hosta, various lilies, tulips, poppies, and a few things I hadn't heard of yet, but were really pretty.

Here's the catch: we don't really have our garden space laid out yet, so I have been temporarily stashing them in our vegetable garden's extra space. Hopefully we will find a home for them before the fall and I can move them to their rightful places. I'm really excited about it to be honest! I think they'll bloom beautifully next year, and I got them for basically nothing!

I'm so excited!!

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